Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Spending Time with Goran essays
Spending Time with Goran essays He stood there staring intently at me. I smiled apprehensively, unsure of how to approach him. My eyes traced over his frail body, his oversized clothes, his lopsided glasses and the slight drool on the side of his mouth. I was scared. How should I introduce myself? Does he even know I am standing here? How would he react? Slowly I bent down to eye level with him and awkwardly held out my arms to him. Slowly but deliberately, I said, "Goran, my name is Stephanie...we will spend the next few days together to chat and play." His eyes keenly studied the contours of my face, but he remained motionless. The seconds ticked by, though it seemed like a lifetime. Finally, he flashed me a goofy grin which melted my heart and broke the ice between us. Spending time with Goran gave me the most profound experience of my life. He is a mentally handicapped ten-year-old boy with barely the IQ of a three-year-old. Unable to take care of himself or perform simple tasks, he is helpless in our society. With constant asthma attacks and frequent nosebleeds due to dehydration, Goran's daily life is one of never-ending struggle and frustration. Yet despite the adversities he faces daily, his optimism and spirit have not been dampened. Goran has a keen sense of compassion and immeasurable capacity to love. He shows this through his warm hugs and the way he offers his hand for me to hold. He has even mastered the skill of blowing fly kisses. Spending time with Goran made me respect him for who he is and made me realize that in spite of his inadequacies, he too is a human being, capable of crying, laughing, and of feeling joy and sadness. The happy moments I spent with Goran were vividly etched in my mind. Through sharing experiences together, I gave him the feeling that he was wonderful and loved, and he taught me how to strive under adverse situations, to create and cherish happy moments in life. I remember one experience when we made a kite out of c...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Example Sentences Using the Verb Go for ESL
Example Sentences Using the Verb Go for ESL If English students are going to memorize irregular verb forms, theyll need to include the verb go. This page provides example sentences of the verb go in all tenses including active and passive forms, as well as conditional and modal forms. Youll notice that there are many tenses where there is no form of go. Test your knowledge with the quiz at the end. Example Sentences Using 'Go' for All Tenses Base Form go / Past Simple went / Past Participle gone / Gerund going Present Simple Peter goes to church on Sundays. Present Simple Passive None Present Continuous We are going shopping soon. Present Continuous Passive None Present Perfect Peter has gone to the bank. Present Perfect Passive None Present Perfect Continuous Susan has been going to classes for three weeks. Past Simple Alexander went to Denver last week. Past Simple Passive None Past Continuous We were going to visit some friends but decided not to go. Past Continuous Passive None Past Perfect They had already gone to the show so we didnt go. Past Perfect Passive None Past Perfect Continuous We had been going to that school for a few weeks when it was chosen as the best school in the city. Future (will) Jennifer will go to the meeting. Future (will) passive None Future (going to) Peter is going to go to the show tonight. Future (going to) passive None Future Continuous We will be going to dinner this time tomorrow. Future Perfect She will have gone to visit her parents by the time you arrive. Future Possibility Jack might go out this weekend. Real Conditional If she goes to the meeting, I will attend. Unreal Conditional If she went to the meeting, I would attend. Past Unreal Conditional If she had gone to the meeting, I would have attended. Present Modal You should go out tonight. Past Modal They might have gone out for the evening. Quiz: Conjugate With Go Use the verb to go to conjugate the following sentences. Quiz answers are below. In some cases, more than one answer may be correct. Peter _____ to the bank.Alexander _____ to Denver last week.They _____ already _____ to the show so we didnt go.Jennifer _____ to the meeting.If she _____ to the meeting, I will attend.We _____ but decided not to go after all.Peter _____ to church on Sundays.Susan _____ to classes for three weeks.Peter _____ to the show tonight.She _____ to visit her parents by the time you arrive. Quiz Answers has gonewenthad gonewill gogoeswere going to gogoeshas been goingis going to gowill have gone
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Planning and Operational Processes of Apple Company Essay
Planning and Operational Processes of Apple Company - Essay Example Yet, as we look forward to a happy ending, earnings taper off and it appears as though the saga may be over after all. However, a feeling of quiet confidence gradually takes over the observer, as both Apple Computers and Jobs negotiate through each downturn with aplomb. Must a company’s journey through time be so turbulent? This document tries to draw lessons from the Apple experience and to suggest stable ways for commercial firms to manage their planning and operational processes. There are two overreaching factors that seem to have influenced strategic change at Apple Computers. The first is the frenetic pace of technological change. No other industrial sector has witnessed the continuous and rapid improvements in processor speeds, storage capacity, transmission options and software development. This has been a source of strength and an opportunity for the entrepreneurial culture of Apple Computers, but it has proved to be a handful for people such as Sculley who laboured so hard to bring a semblance of order and discipline to the highly individualistic style of functioning to which die-hard company employees have become accustomed. A second factor which has affected strategy in this company has been the tumultuous and disorderly change of guard at the top. There is no precedent for such a striking founder to leave his creation while remaining in the business. Even more unusual has been the return of Jobs as a mere consultant to the company which he once owned. These moves, and indeed the manner of Sculley’s departure has posed special challenges for the company. Systematic and regular environmental scanning seems to be a lacuna in the planning process at Apple Computers. Every enterprise needs a deep understanding of the values that its products and services delivered in an environment of global competitiveness (Ohmae, 1991, 61-74). The success of Jobs to see the opportunity in the graphic user interface which Xerox apparently missed, did not repeat itself when the company invested resources in Newton.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
The State of Working America Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
The State of Working America - Assignment Example Tax rates were also drastically cut for all income sectors. The national debt was cut by one third, as quoted by one economic historian, â€Å"Despite the severity of the contraction, the Fed did not move to use its powers to turn the money supplies around and fight the contraction.†Therefore, by the summer of 1921 visible signs of recovery began to show. Unemployment was back to 6.7 percent and down to 2.4 percent by 1923. (Mataconis, 2009). According to Slichter high wage practices were adopted in the 1920s due to the threat of labor trouble, employers being unwilling to reduce wages in comparison to wholesale pricing, and realizing how important moral and efficiency had become to labor. (Slichter, 2005). Labor trouble threats began to peak in 1920, and the six-years prior saw a double of membership in trade unions. Unionism had established itself in the Chicago Packing Plants, the US Steel Corporation and the Pennsylvania Railroad as well. Employers seemed to have the beli ef that labor was in danger of becoming radical. (Slitter, 2005). New methods were used in industry to attempt to make workers more efficient and contented. 1. Helping employees acquire property, 2. Helping employees acquire a â€Å"stake†in the companies which employed them. 3. Protecting them from arbitrary treatment. 4. Rewarding continuous service with the company. 5. Giving them advancement opportunities and more responsibility. 6. Offering them security. These things resulted in a rise of around 11 percent in hourly wages for factory workers between 1920 and 1925. Thus, wage earners began to save money, which was encouraged by businessmen. (Slichter, 2005). The 1920s known as the â€Å"roaring twenties†gained its name from being pictured as a time of American prosperity and optimism. However, it is also seen as a time of cultural change, a decade of the Model T, $5 work days, airplanes, movies, and provocative dress. The nation shifted from urbanism to commerci alism and brought with its prohibition, the Ku Klux Klan, strict immigration laws, and gangsters. Quoted by Jerrie Cheek from the Kennesaw University, â€Å"The powerful economy might of America from 1920 to October 1929 is frequently overlooked†¦the strength of America was generated and driven by its vast economic power.†(Cheek, 2005). The happening on October 1929 on a Tuesday, know as â€Å"black Tuesday†became the beginning of the Great Depression. Two months after the stock market crash stockholders had lost more than $40 billion dollars in investments. Economists and historians both believe that the economic downturn that showed up in early 1929 lead to the crash. The market did improve somewhat by the end of 1930; however, it was not enough to keep America from entering the Great Depression. (Kelley, 2012). By 1933 11,000 of America’s 25,000 banks had failed, and because deposits were uninsured, funds were simply lost. Banks, being unsure of the ec onomy, stopped issuing new loans, which contributed to the situation. (The Great Depression, 2012).Â
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Jose de San Martin Essay Example for Free
Jose de San Martin Essay In Argentina war of independence was fought from 1810 to 1818 by Argentine forces under Jose de San Martin against royalist forces loyal to the Spanish crown. On July 9, 1816, an assembly met in San Miguel de Tucuman, declared full independence with provisions for a national constitution. Chile This war of independence was an armed conflict between the people of Chile and Spanish colonial authorities, which started on September 10, 1810 and extended until 1821. A declaration of independence was officially issued by Chile on February 12,1818 and formally recognized by Spain in 1840, when full diplomatic relations ( conducting negotiations between representatives of groups or states) were established. Peru The Napoleonic invasion of the Iberian Peninsula should have led to a degradation of royal power, but since nearby Upper Peru was under the attack of armies from Buenos Aires, the Peruvian oligarchs supported the royalist cause. Fear of indigenous rebellion also remained from the 1780-1781 revolt that was headed by Jose Gabriel Tupac Amaru Condorcanqui. Finally, the viceroys of Peru traditionally had the support of the Lima oligarchs because of their opposition to the commercial interests of Buenos Aires and Chile. Therefore, the Viceroyalty of Peru became the last redoubt of the Spanish Monarchy in South America. Nevertheless, a Creole rebellion arose in 1812 in Huanuco and another in Cusco between 1814 and 1816. Both were suppressed. These rebellions were supported by the armies of Buenos Aires. Peru finally succumbed after the decisive continental campaigns of Jose de San Martin (1820–1823) and Simon Bolivar (1824). While San Martin was in charge of the land campaign, a newly built Chilean Navy led by Lord Cochrane transported the fighting troops and launched a sea campaign against the Spanish fleet in the Pacific. San Martin, who had displaced the royalists of Chile after the Battle of Maipu, and who had disembarked in Paracas in 1820, proclaimed the independence of Peru in Lima on July 28, 1821. Four years later, the Spanish Monarchy was defeated definitively at the Battle of Ayacucho. After independence, the conflicts of interests that faced different sectors of Creole Peruvian society and the particular ambitions of the caudillos, made the organization of the country excessively difficult. Only three civiliansâ€â€Manuel Pardo, Nicolas de Pierola and Francisco Garcia Calderonâ€â€acceded to the presidency in the first seventy-five years of Perus independence. The Republic of Bolivia was created from Upper Peru. In 1837 a Peru-Bolivian Confederation was also created but was dissolved two years later due to Chilean military intervention
Thursday, November 14, 2019
AMERICANS GETTING TOUGH :: essays research papers
In a time that Americans are feeling very unsure about our safety, I fully agree with the Patriot act, which was passed only six weeks after September eleventh. It is time we start protecting America. The patriot act is crucial to national security.                    I do not feel that the war on terror has opened the doors to abuse of civil rights of the prisoners being held at Guantanamo Bay Naval base in Cuba. I feel that we need to be more cautious of who we let walk our streets. We have to remember the visions of September eleventh, they were not pretty and many innocent people died. Had we been more cautious then on who we let into our country, we would not have been as vulnerable and the incident of September eleventh might not have happened. If we detained some of these prisoners for a long period of time, until we can be completely sure that they are not a threat to us Americans, than so be it.      According to prisoners at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base which is referred to as â€Å"Camp x-ray†are provided with an eight-by-eight foot outdoor cell with a concrete floor, roof and surrounded by a chain linked fence. On arrival they are given a mat to sleep on, a towel for showers and a towel for praying . They are given soap, toothpaste, a toothbrush and they are able to take a shower each day. They get served three meals a day with water. Two meals are hot and one meal meets the Muslim religious requirements. On entry they are provided with medical care. According to US Attorney General John Ashcroft, â€Å"They have the right food, shelter and the right environment to avoid injury†.      I think we are providing these prisoners more comfort than the many homeless people living in the United States. It is sad that we worry more about the prisoners who are a potential threat to all Americans than we do for our own people who have been American citizens all of their life. We need to get a grip on reality... this is war!      According to Eugene Fidell, these detainees who are labeled enemy combatants will be able to have what is called a revue tribunal. The purpose of this will decide whether the detainees qualify for this label. The board who will decide this is made up of three military officers, people who had no prior involvement in the decision to label enemy combatants.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Luna Pen Case Writeup
Report on Luna Pen case PA major 0420830 Lee Joo-Hyun Q1. If you were in Erika’s position, what steps might give you the best chance of achieving your goals? First of all, I think it’s rather dangerous to prepare negotiation plan solely based on stereotype of specific race/nationality. But still it’s foolish to ignore cultural difference. Since negotiation counterpart Feng is not from mainland China but from Taiwan, I believe there would be little or no disadvantage of Erika being female.But in case DGG is planning a bigger picture (for example, sharing distribution system of Global Service in Asia region) than just resolving trademark right issue, I think it is better to consider the fact Taiwanese regard Guan-Xi (relationship) as important aspect in terms of long term, friendly relationship. Therefore it would probably be a good idea to prepare a male represent with similar position to Erika along with her. Secondly Erika needs to gather more information about the counterpart; Feng and Global Service.After all, negotiation process is to find compromise or creative option between my constraint conditions/needs and their constraint conditions/needs. I’ll discuss about it more in following Question #2. Thirdly, Erika needs to build up negotiation plan. She need to determine what DGG intend to/should earn and how far DGG can back down. After defining goals & constraints (or setting Maginot Line), assuming the worst case scenario is also important step.In this case, the worst case possible could be something like this; â€Å"Feng & Global Service refuses to negotiate, pointing out that DGG abandoned and stop making product under the name of Luna. Thus DGG is left with no other choice but to file an uncertain lawsuit which would be both time consuming and costly. †To prevent this from happening, it would be unwise to start the first contact with firm stand like writing Feng that his company must cease its unauthorized use of he L una name, and that DGG is prepared to file lawsuit if necessary. Instead, I think it’s better to mention that DGG is aware of the fact that Luna pen is selling well under the marketing and distribution power of Feng and Global Service and DGG is more than willing to negotiate about the usage of Luna name. Q2. What further information might you need before contacting Feng; and how might you realistically obtain it? First of all, DGG need to figure out brand value (or brand power) of Luna by doing brief market research.By doing so, DGG can tell how much the brand power affected the total sale of Feng’s Luna pen and use it as a sharable standard in negotiation. I believe this data can be obtained rather simply. All DGG have to do is to run series of survey to group of customers, asking their willingness to pay for given pen with/without brand name Luna. Secondly, it would be a good idea to find potential buyers that are willing to buy the trademark Luna. The information o f potential buyers could later be used as a mean to pressure Feng and Global Service if necessary.Since selling Luna brand would not harm DGG, by contacting company in pen making business, DGG can obtain information of potential buyers while spreading news that DGG is trying to sell Luna name as well. And as a last resort, DGG should investigate the legal position of DGG in this case. (Especially in terms of Taiwanese court) If DGG files a lawsuit, what are the odd of winning the case, how long will it take, and how much is the estimated cost of lawsuit?The answers to these questions are key factors to decide whether to file a lawsuit or not. If odds are against DGG, it will be more reasonable to approach this negotiation in more cooperative, soft stand. On the other hand, if the odds are in favor of DGG, DGG can use lawsuit both as leverage to pressure Feng and last resort to settle this matter. Such data can be obtained via corporate legal department.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Mlk Nobel Peace Prize Speech Analysis
Elizabeth Potoa’e Ms. Casberg AP English P. 3 15 January 2012 AP Essay MLK Jr. Martin Luther King Jr. has always been a great public speaker because of the amount of passion instilled in his words and his extreme mastery in putting images in the minds of his audience. Not to mention, his message is explicitly conveyed to the audience. Martin Luther King Jr. establishes his acceptance of the Nobel Peace Prize with powerful insight of the Civil Rights Movement, and the must to overcome segregation through the use of figurative language and repetition/example/parallelism/imagery to show that our battle with racism has yet to be over. Martin Luther King uses figurative language to emphasize the importance of the meaning behind his words. He says in his speech over and over â€Å"I am mindful that only yesterday†to demonstrate that racism and discrimination is still going on. He discusses the struggles and conflicts blacks faced due to the hatred and violence that is occurring in the world. King repeats the horror of the current situations to allow his audience to understand that something still needs to be done. He feels, maybe if he says it enough times, people will actually do something about it, because the award he is receiving simply means nothing without action. To show that he will not give up until a change comes, he repeats the words â€Å"I refuse to accept†and goes on to tell of the excuses people use as why not to change. Martin Luther King Jr. believes that action will lead us down a road where love and hope await. Here we can find a world of freedom and justice. Martin Luther King uses imagery with his figurative language. He uses it to not only tell but show his audiences how the current ways of people are not helping pave the way to a brighter future, which encompasses no discrimination, only peace. He compares racism to a starless night to illustrate that racism is a dark and very inhumane part in the lives of many people. He says â€Å"beauty is truth and truth beauty†to depict in the minds of audience that once they’ve acknowledged that the truth is the truth in the ircumstances they face, it will be a much more beautiful tomorrow than they could ever imagine. Martin Luther King wants everyone to honestly ponder about the conflict we have and decide whether we want to take part of the solution or add to the problem when he says â€Å"this faith can give us courage to face the uncertainties of the future [and] give us new strength to continue forward. †And by doing so, people will work and build a better future for all of us, where there is no racism, but peace.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Free Essays on Robert Blake
â€Å"The Chimney Sweeper,†from Robert Blake’s Songs of Innocence, is a poem typical of the themes present in the Songs of Innocence and Experience. The main character is pathetically unfortunate, and yet diligently fulfills his societal obligations. This poem has a severely ironic tone, and is clearly a mockery of a society that would perpetuate the inhumane use of its weaker members. The speaker of â€Å"The Chimney Sweeper†is a young boy who is himself a chimney sweeper. He shares with a fellow child-chimney sweeper named Tom Dacre, the focus of the poem. The poem is addressed, essentially, to whom it may concern, and as such the poem seems to be a vehicle for the boy to declare who he is. He seems to be decrying his position, perhaps to a passerby. His mother died when he was very young, and although it says his father sold him, this probably means simply that he works as a chimney sweeper, in order to help support his family. Then the reader begins to learn about little Tom Dacre, who had to have his head shaved. The narrator, despite his own horrible situation, finds the ability to comfort Tom. Tom has a dream in which thousands of chimney sweepers are trapped in coffins, and what must be the angel of death comes along and lets them out of the coffins and into gorgeous, â€Å"heavenly,†meadows and streams. Then, after cleaning the soot off of themselves in a river, the chimney sweepers ascend into heaven upon clouds. In his dream, the angel directly addresses Tom, and tells him that if he continues to dutifully sweep chimneys, God will smile upon him. The speaker relates that following the dream, all of the chimney sweepers got up and went to work. In the final lines, the speaker first describes Tom as being comforted by his dream, and then makes the direct philosophical statement that â€Å"if all do their duty, they need not feel harm.†This poem is clearly written sarcastically by Blake, and thi... Free Essays on Robert Blake Free Essays on Robert Blake â€Å"The Chimney Sweeper,†from Robert Blake’s Songs of Innocence, is a poem typical of the themes present in the Songs of Innocence and Experience. The main character is pathetically unfortunate, and yet diligently fulfills his societal obligations. This poem has a severely ironic tone, and is clearly a mockery of a society that would perpetuate the inhumane use of its weaker members. The speaker of â€Å"The Chimney Sweeper†is a young boy who is himself a chimney sweeper. He shares with a fellow child-chimney sweeper named Tom Dacre, the focus of the poem. The poem is addressed, essentially, to whom it may concern, and as such the poem seems to be a vehicle for the boy to declare who he is. He seems to be decrying his position, perhaps to a passerby. His mother died when he was very young, and although it says his father sold him, this probably means simply that he works as a chimney sweeper, in order to help support his family. Then the reader begins to learn about little Tom Dacre, who had to have his head shaved. The narrator, despite his own horrible situation, finds the ability to comfort Tom. Tom has a dream in which thousands of chimney sweepers are trapped in coffins, and what must be the angel of death comes along and lets them out of the coffins and into gorgeous, â€Å"heavenly,†meadows and streams. Then, after cleaning the soot off of themselves in a river, the chimney sweepers ascend into heaven upon clouds. In his dream, the angel directly addresses Tom, and tells him that if he continues to dutifully sweep chimneys, God will smile upon him. The speaker relates that following the dream, all of the chimney sweepers got up and went to work. In the final lines, the speaker first describes Tom as being comforted by his dream, and then makes the direct philosophical statement that â€Å"if all do their duty, they need not feel harm.†This poem is clearly written sarcastically by Blake, and thi...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The Ultimate Study Guide for ACT Science Tips, Practice, and Strategies
The Ultimate Study Guide for ACT Science Tips, Practice, and Strategies SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips We've written the best ACT Science guide available anywhere.This is not an exaggeration- we've studied dozens of ACT prep books and online resources, both paid and free, and we believe this is the best resource available right now, by far. In this guide, we cover every question type on the ACT Science section and give you strategies to attack them. In addition, we provide you with our best ACT Science tips and teach you how to get the most out of your ACT Science practice and ACT prep. If you're serious about raising your ACT Science score, read through every link. Bymastering all the key concepts, engaging with realistic practice questions, and reviewing your mistakes, you'll dramatically improve your ACT Science score. I've organized the guides logically, based on how you'll proceed through your ACT Science prep. We'll start off by looking at the ACT at a high level and getting yourself in the right mindset. Next, we'll dive into the individual skills tested on ACT Science. Finally, we'll explore study plans and explain how you should spend your time in order to maximize your score improvement. In your first pass, try to read these guides roughly in this order. As you study, you can then come back and use this article as a reference to keep your ACT Science prep on track! High-Level Guidance for ACT Science These guides set the stage for your learning. How should you think about ACT Science? What high-level strategies should you keep in mind? In addition, we'll go over the overarching structure of the ACT as well as the types of content you'll see on it. What's Actually Tested on the ACT Science Section? Skills and Topics The first step is to make sure you understand the basic format and requirements of ACT Science. It might be different from what you think! This article explains what kinds of concepts you'll see on it and how questions will look on test day. The 3 Types of ACT Science Passages: What You Must Know The ACT Science section has the same number and types of passages on every single test, so it's important to familiarize yourself with what these might look like. Read this guide to learn the three types of Science passages and the types of questions that are unique to each one. The Big Secret of ACT Science: It's More Reading Than Science It's a common misconception that ACT Science requires you to be a science genius. This is 100% false!In reality, you simply need to know how to read scientific passages effectively as well as how to interpret data. With this guide, learn how to excel on the ACT Science section through reading comprehensionand focused practice. How to Do Well on ACT Science for Non-Science People Are you intimidated by ACT Science because you haven't done that well in your high school science classes? Don't fret! In this guide, weshow you how you can excel on this section, even if you don't know anything about quantum physics. The 5 Best Strategies for Reading ACT Science Passages Doing well on the ACT Science section doesn't require just answering questions well- it involves approaching the reading passages both efficiently and effectively. Learn how you should be reading the ACT Science passages and answering the questions that follow them using this guide. How to Get 36 on ACT Science: 13 Strategies From a Perfect Scorer If you're already doing well on ACT Science but want perfection, this is the article for you. Written by a perfect scorer, this essential guide will give you tips on motivation, strategies, and everything else you need to know in order to get your Science score to the highest level possible. ACT Science Skills and Topics These guides break down every single question type on ACT Science. You'll learn how questions work, get strategies and tips on how to answer them, and work with real ACT practice problems. Working With Data Factual Questions in ACT Science: How to Read Graphs, Tables, and Data This is the most fundamental skill you'll need for ACT Science. If you can't read graphs reliably, it's impossible to do well on this section. Read this guide to ensure you know the best strategies for interpreting data from Science reading passages. Interpreting Trends in ACT Science: Relationships Between Data Points ACT Science questions often ask you to understand how data points relate to each other. Are they directly or inversely correlated? What are the trends? Learn the patterns of how data appears with this guide. Calculating Questions on ACT Science: Interpolating and Extrapolating From Data You'll also get questions dealing with finding values that don't actually appear on the graph. You'll need to infer what the values are from the data. Read this guide to learn how to do it right. Understanding Experiments Experimental Design Questions in ACT Science The ACT Science section tests your understanding of the scientific method.You need to be able to understand why an experiment was set up in a certain way, and what the experiment is meant to show. We teach you how to do all of this here. Interpreting Experiments Questions in ACT Science When you conduct an experiment, understanding the results and conclusion is the final goal. Therefore, you'll often run into questions asking you to interpret conclusions from an experiment and decide whether the data supports those conclusions or not. Learn the skills with this guide. Special Guides Conflicting Viewpoints in ACT Science: Strategies and Tips There's always one conflicting viewpoints passage on ACT Science, and many students find it the most difficult of all. Multiple scientists will share their theories and you need to find the differences and commonalities between them. The Only Actual Science You Have to Know for ACT Science On every ACT, there are always a few questions (three to four) that require you to know alittle basic science outside of what's given in the passage.While thesearen't hard concepts, you do need to be familiar with them. We've studied dozens of tests and compiled all the facts you need to know in this guide. ACT Science Strategies and Tips Now that you understand how the ACT Science works in-depth, it's time to put together everything you've learned and start to work on improving your skills. These guides take you through how to structure your ACT Science prep, focus your studying, and perform your best on test day. The Best Way to Study and Practice for ACT Science You only have a limited number of hours to prep for ACT Science; thus, you'll need to maximize the efficiency of your prep so you don't waste time. Read our core study principles here. ACT Science Practice Tests: What to Use and What to Avoid It's important to practice for ACT Science using the right materials. If you were training for baseball, you wouldn't practice with Wiffle balls, right? Find out what practice questions and tests you should be using so you can train yourself correctly. Time Management Tips and Section Strategy on ACT Science Constantly running out of time on ACT Science? This is a common problem. Try these strategies to save yourself time on every passage and as you answer questions. The 11 ACT Science Strategies You Must Be Using More than any of the other sections on the ACT, the Science section rewards strategy more than knowledge. Read this article to learn the top 11 strategies you should definitely implement in your ACT Science prep. How to Improve ACT Science Scores: 6 Tips From a Perfect Scorer The strategies you’ll need to use if you’re aiming for a 26 on ACT Science arenotthe same as those you'll need if you're aiming for a perfect 36. If you’ve already taken an official ACT practice test and are currently scoring below 26, read this article to learn how to boost that score and get yourself to the level at which you want to be. The 9 Reasons You Miss ACT Science Questions We all make mistakes. The important part is understanding why you made a mistake and how you can avoid making it again in the future.Here, we break down the most common reasons test takers miss ACT Science questions and offer advice on what to do. The Hardest ACT Science Questions and Strategies to Solve Them Over the many years of ACT Science, some questions have been truly difficult and head-scratching for even the most experienced test takers. We've collected the most difficult Science questions we've ever seen on real ACT tests and present them here. Go ahead and challenge your skills! The Top 6 ACT Science Tips You Must Use Need a quick fix to improve your ACT Science score? Read our expert tips to quickly improve your score without deep prep. Want to learn more about ACT Science? Check out our new ACT Science prep book. If you liked this lesson, you'll love our book. It includes everything you need to know to ace ACT Science, including deep analysis of the logic behind ACT Science questions, a full breakdown of the different passage and question types, and tons of expert test-taking and study tips. Download our full-length prep book now: Conclusion: How to Use This Ultimate ACT Science Guide This is a lot to take in- I know. But there's a lot to understand about the ACT Science section if you want to do well on it. After you read these guides, the hard work starts. You need to gather high-quality resources to work with and diagnose your specific weaknesses on every practice test you take. You also need to train these weaknesses through focused practice and then adjust your study plan accordingly so that every hour is giving you results. Above all, you need to stay motivated and be held accountable for your prep. What's Next? Need help on other ACT sections? Take a look at our ultimate study guides for ACT English, ACT Math, ACT Reading, and ACT Writingto get the best tips and resources available anywhere. Not sure what ACT score to aim for? Read our in-depth guide to learn what a good ACT score is based on the schools you're applying to. Want to improve your ACT score by 4 points? Check out our best-in-class online ACT prep classes. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your ACT score by 4 points or more. Our classes are entirely online, and they're taught by ACT experts. If you liked this article, you'll love our classes. Along with expert-led classes, you'll get personalized homework with thousands of practice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. We'll also give you a step-by-step, custom program to follow so you'll never be confused about what to study next. Try it risk-free today:
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Uncertainty Avoidance and Country Risk Ratings Dissertation
Uncertainty Avoidance and Country Risk Ratings - Dissertation Example Despite the importance of these country risk ratings, the utility of these measures for predicting market volatility has been called into question (DiGregorio, 2005; Oetzel et al, 2001) while global debt crises have occurred that have been likened to a heart attack for the international financial system (Gokay & Whitman, 2010). Current literature on country risk ratings indicates a focus on political, financial, and economic factors without inclusion of social or cultural factors (Miroshnik, 2002). Description of the Population and Sample In selecting the sample size three factors into consideration and the study came up with a sample size which will consist of a total of 49 countries including Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Denmark, Ecuador, El Salvador, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Iran, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Portugal, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay, and Venezuela. This sample surpasses the minimum required sample size as computed from G*Power, which should reduce the possibility of committing Type II errors when running the analyses. Data from the samples will be collected from the International Country Risk Guide database, Euro money Country Risk score database, Hofstede Uncertainty Avoidance Index databas e, and the World Bank databases. Table 4.1 Economic indicators and the previous year country risk ratings.             Years compared  Predictors 2007 ? 2008 2007 ? 2009 2008 ? 2009 2008 ? 2010 2009 ? 2010        Euromoney .998*** .906*** .908***    Intl Country Risk Guide .982*** .959*** .965***    Economic indicators             Export growth   .132    .090 -.240  Ratio current account to GDP   .878*** .826*** .910***  Growth foreign exchange   .039*** .181*** .695***  Inflation   .892*** .867*** .950***  GDP per capita   .994*** .991*** .994***  Combined indicators   .528*** .445** .732***  **p< .01, ***p< .001, all 2-tailed. Source: International Country Risk Guide database To confirm the applicability of factor analysis a t-test was carried out at 95% confid ence level. The table above shows all the identified economic factors that could probably affect a country’s risk ratings. The test results are only significant if the p-value or the significance value of the test is lower than .05.  The t-test statistics (table above) shows that all identified
Friday, November 1, 2019
From book Matilda by Roald Dahl. Chose 1 quote from chapters 1-8 and Essay
From book Matilda by Roald Dahl. Chose 1 quote from chapters 1-8 and write a personal reflection on it - Essay Example Disappointed with the provincialism of her parents, Matlida finds an emotional escape by reading books. Her parents, however, fail to recognize that Matilda’s intellect was far above her years. They expressly oppose the idea of any books in the house, emphasizing that she should follow her brothers example of investing all the time in television. Through this fictional portrayal of parenting in the contemporary world, Roald Dahl directs the attention of the audience to this grave and largely unnoticed issue. Family, the basic unit of a society is fundamental in nurturing children in order to prepare them for future roles. Unfortunately, today’s modern families are failing to fulfil this obligation. This quote highlights how parents nowadays are engrossed in their own lives, with little interest and attention towards children. It reflects the adverse effects of technological developments in majority of households. Today, child abuse and neglect has become a serious menace to society. This can be solely attributed to change in parental preferences. In today’s age, modern inventions such as televisions, computers, and cell phones have become an imperative component of everyday life. By and large, people fail to establish healthy and beneficial use limits for these inventions. Not surprisingly, time completely drained in such useless pursuits has resulted in dramatic decline in the relative importance of relations of all sorts. Family structures collapse as modern inventions replace parents. Matilda’s parents pay no attention to her needs and only castigate her further for developing habits different from theirs such as reading books. Mr Wormwood constantly denounces her for wasting her time in books as evident from this quote. Similarly, Mrs. Wormwood also explains to her daughter how brainy girls dedicated to studying
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